Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Merida's Coronation

Merida's coronation was held at Magic Kingdom on May 11. It was advertised as a Limited Time Magic event, so I assumed that meant everybody was going to get an equal chance to watch it. Unfortunately, that was not the case. There was an area in front of the castle that was roped off for people with special passes (Mom bloggers). All other guests had to stand behind ropes. I got a spot on the right side of the castle, right behind the rope, which was near the walkway to Fantasyland. There was tons of empty space so I thought that eventually the rope would come down and they'd let us up to watch. Too bad that never happened. I was so far back that I could barely see, I couldn't get any pictures, and I could barely hear it. At the end, they dropped the ropes from the other side, so Merida could pass by, and those people were lucky enough to be able to get some pictures of the very end. A while later, the Princesses came out to do a photoshoot. I got some pictures of them from behind and when they went back into the castle.

Overall, it was a very disappointing experience. It felt as though it was a private event and I think that Disney should have just done the coronation before the park even opened. I can't understand why they advertised it as Limited Time Magic yet only certain people actually got to watch it.

Merida rode in on Angus and was followed by a band.

This was my lovely view.

 This was a picture that I took on my phone and it shows some of the empty space.

Sophia Grace and Rosie walked by.

Merida walked by.

They had some signs up. I wanted to get a picture of the one on the castle but it was already coming down by the time I was able to get in front of the castle.

The Princesses and Elinor came out to do a photoshoot and meet Debby Ryan.

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